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Is “Baptism for the Dead” Biblical?
Is LDS “Baptism for the Dead” a substantially biblical practice?
5 MORE Things the LDS Church No Longer Teaches
5 More changes the LDS Church has made to their teachings and practice
Is The Trinity Biblical?
Was the Trinity invented by the early Christian church? Is the Trinity an invented doctrine? Many faiths argue that Trinitarianism is a blend of Greek Philosophy, novel theology, and Biblical proof-texting. Some Latter-day Saints even point to the Trinity as evidence...
On the “Laying on of Hands” and Authority
Is "Laying on of Hands" Essential for Exercising Authority? Is the LDS "Laying on of Hands" essential? The physical act of placing one's hands on another's head is critical in Mormonism. When Latter-day Saints exercise authority, ordain someone, or give priesthood...
Fact or LDS Fiction: Is Priesthood Authority Biblical?
Priesthood Authority is foundational to the LDS Church, but does it even exist?
Mormonism’s Problematic Elimination of the Presiding Patriarch Office
The Presiding Patriarch Problem The LDS Church completely eliminated a General Authority's office in 1979. What most Latter-day Saints don't realize is that this office was deemed to be an essential authority in Mormonism by Joseph Smith and other early Mormon...
Do we still need a Temple?
If God is the same yesterday, today, and forever – why don’t Christians build temples?
The LDS Church Added Amazing Grace to their hymnal; Here’s What’s Missing
The LDS Version of Amazing Grace The LDS Church recently added "Amazing Grace" to their hymnbook, but they left out over half of the original stanzas! While most Mormon hymns only have 3 or 4 stanzas, the language of the omitted verses seem unfitting for the LDS...
The Overarching Story of the ENTIRE Bible in 21 Minutes
A Summary of the Entire Bible in 21 Minutes From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible tells one story of God's work of redemption. Most people view the Bible as a collection of different stories that are only tangentially related. One of the most important things for a...
4 Reasons the Great Apostasy is a False Doctrine of Mormonism
4 Reasons the Great Apostasy is a False Doctrine of Mormonism Was there a Great Apostasy in Christianity? If there wasn't, then why shouldn't we become Romans Catholic? If there was no Great Apostasy, then Joseph Smith was wrong about his First Vision. In this video,...
Breaking Down the 5 New LDS Church Essays [HONEST REACTION]
5 New Essays on the LDS Church Website The LDS Church just released 5 new essays on their Topics & Questions section of the LDS website. In this video, I give my honest initial reaction to all five of them. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is trying...
Testing False Prophets: A Lesson from 1 Kings 13
How this story helps us to know false prophets…
Why Mormonism Can’t Recover From the Book of Abraham
Joseph was objectively proven to be a false prophet
Christian Communion vs. LDS Sacrament
Water vs. Wine, and other important differences…
5 Things The LDS Church No Longer Teaches
Why have LDS Prophets & Apostles changed their teachings?
Mormons Don’t Treat Their Prophets Like Prophets
Mormons disagree with their leaders about Heavenly Grandfather—but why?
I’m a Christian “Protester” Outside General Conference
Why do we go out to conference?
The Truth Behind ‘You Are Gods’ in Psalm 82
Why does the Bible say “You are gods”?
I asked random Christians & Mormons if God had a God
What Every Christian Needs to Know About Mormonism
What is Mormonism? Who are the Mormons and what do they believe? In this video, I'm going to walk through Latter-day Saints history and beliefs—explaining where Mormonism came from and the core tenants of their faith. Many Christians know a little bit about The Church...
Debunking the MYTH about Christian Denominations
Are Different Christian Denominations Divided? Are there really 40,000 different Christian denominations? And does the fact that there are so many different denominations mean that the Christian Church is in apostasy and needs a Living Prophet (as Latter-day Saints—or...
Christianity’s Doctrine of “Original Sin” EXPLAINED
Is "Original Sin" Biblical? The doctrine of original sin might seem like a minor difference between Mormons & Christians, but it affects much of how we understand salvation. Mormonism and Christianity have differing views on the nature of sin, and disagree whether...
Mormons & Christians Respond: “How Can I Have Eternal Life?”
How can I have Eternal Life? I asked random Latter-day Saints (Mormons) & Evangelical Christians on the street how we can have eternal life. Both Evangelicals and Mormons agree that a proper understanding "eternal life" is critically important! Jesus died so that...
I Visited the ONLY Christian Bookstore in the Salt Lake Area
Visit The Utah Christian Research Center The Utah Christian Research Center is the only Evangelical Christian bookstore and library in the Salt Lake Area (In the Ogden-Provo corridor in Utah). There's nothing else quite like it in the entire state of Utah. Bill...
Phil Johnson’s Thoughts on Mormonism
Phil Johnson on Mormonism Phil Johnson (Executive Director of Grace To You and Pastor/Elder) answers several questions about Mormonism at the 2023 G3 Conference. Mormonism seems like "just another Christian denomination" on the surface—but the beliefs and teachings of...
I Asked Random Mormons & Christians “What Is Eternal Life?”
What is "Eternal Life?" I took to the streets to ask both Latter-day Saints (Mormons) & Evangelical Christians about their definition of eternal life. Understanding a Biblical definition of "eternal life" is critically important. Jesus died so that everyone who...
What is “Faith”?
What is Faith? Both Mormons and Evangelical Christians agree that faith is vitally important to our spiritual lives, but we tend to differ on what faith means. Latter-day Saints believe that true faith includes works as a part of its definition, but Christians believe...
Moroni’s Message: Book of Mormon vs Bible Contradiction
A Book of Mormon vs. Bible Contradiction What is grace? Mormons and Christians both believe in grace. But one verse from the Book of Mormon implies a significant difference between the grace of the New Testament, and grace in LDS theology. Moroni 10:32 (from the Book...
Dr. Renihan Explains 2 Essential Tips for Bible Interpretation
2 Essential Tips for Bible Translation Dr. James Renihan, president of IRBS (International Reformed Baptist Seminary) and professor of historical theology, explains two principles of Bible interpretation which are critical to a right reading of Scripture. Often times,...
Examining Mormon Beliefs: Can Men Become Angels?
Is the Latter-day Saints belief that men can become angels correct?
Mormon Missionary Message: Learning To Dialogue With LDS
Responding the the Mormon Missionary Message What are the best ways for Christians and Mormon Missionaries to interact? How can Christians be prepared to respond to the Mormon Missionary Message if they're ignorant of LDS beliefs and teachings? In this video, we...
The Truth About “Good Intentions”
Will our good intentions actually help us on judgment day?
Problems with the Joseph Smith Translation: Romans 4:5
Why Romans 4:5 poses a problem for the JST
This verse is a problem for the Mormon view of atonement
1 Peter 2 just isn’t compatible with a garden atonement…here’s why:
Does this verse teach polytheism? (1 Corinthians 8:5-6)
Does 1 Corinthians 8:5-6 teach that there are many gods?
Refuting LDS claims: The Great Apostasy in 1 Timothy 4?
Does the Bible give a prophecy of a Great Apostasy?
Romans 6-8 and the Relationship of Faith & Works
Part 2 of our walkthrough of Romans
Does Prophetic Counsel Have A Shelf Life?
Response to a 2023 General Conference talk
A Biblical Case Against LDS Doctrine of “Spirit Children”
Why we’re NOT all children of God
Studying the Bible: What Romans 1-5 Reveals About Mormonism
What does the Book of Romans have to say about Mormonism
7 Verses that Prove the Existence of Hell
Proving that Hell is a Biblical Doctrine
The Neglected Importance of Preaching [w/ Dr. Ed Romine]
The Neglected Importance of Preaching [w/ Dr. Ed Romine] Do Mormons preach? Dr. Ed Romine contends that Latter-day Saints do not regularly practice "preaching" in their week-to-week dealings. Why? Partially because Latter-day Saints don't have a high view of...
LDS Church Statement about LGBTQ Bill is a PROBLEM for Mormons
This Recent Church Statement is a Problem for Mormons On November 15, 2022, the LDS Church released an official statement saying, “We are grateful for the continuing efforts of those who work to ensure the Respect for Marriage Act includes appropriate religious...
3 Reasons We Don’t Need Modern Prophets
Christians don’t have a modern prophet—and here’s why:
Why Christians Wear Crosses [Response to Holland’s Conference Talk]
Response to Jeffrey R. Holland’s October 2022 General Conference Talk
Elder Renlund’s Conference Talk Really Surprised Me
I actually AGREE with Renlund’s statement
How Mormon Doctrine Permits Abortion
The LDS Church permits some abortions…here’s why that’s unbiblical:
Introducing Christianity to Mormons [New Book by Eric Johnson]
Eric Johnson talks about his new book “Introducing Christianity to Mormons”
Christians AGREE with Moroni 8:18, why don’t Mormons?
Modern Mormons agree with Joseph Smith, but disagree with their Scriptures—why?
The Assyrian Conquest: Evidence of a Miracle in Israel
A look at the archaeology of the Assyrian Conquest…
What Mormonism gets WRONG about God [Study in Isaiah]
Using Isaiah 40-48 to evaluate the teachings of the LDS Church
Can we become gods someday?
Was Lorenzo Snow correct when he said, “As God now is, man may be”?
Be Ye Perfect: Did Jesus teach that we can become gods?
Does Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 5 imply that men can become gods?
PART 2: Response to Renlund’s April 2022 Conference Talk
PART 2: Responding to LDS Apostle Dale Renlund’s April 2022 Conference Talk:
The Misplaced Goal of Mormonism
Mormons think eternal family is the best part of heaven, but the Bible disagrees…
Response to Renlund’s “Your Divine Nature & Eternal Destiny” Conference Talk
Responding to a talk from April 2022’s General Conference
Allen’s Testimony: From Mormon Fundamentalism to Christian Pastor
Allen was raised by Mormon Polygamists, and is now a Born-again Christian—here’s his story:
A Lame Pep-Talk // Jesus’ Self-Existence [Comment Response #2]
Responding to YouTube comments…
Refuting Freemasonry: Why Mormonism has a Masonry Issue
Why does Freemasonry have serious issues with the Bible?
The Surprising Archeology of David & Goliath
Demonstrating that the Bible’s story about David & Goliath is accurate
A “More Noble” Way of Testing Truth Claims
The Bereans are a model for how Christians should test truth claims
“Why do you hate Mormons so much?” [Responding to Comments]
Respond to comments accusing GLM of hating Mormons
Freemasonry & Mormonism: The Masonic Origins of the LDS Church
Cultish’s Andrew Soncrant join us to discuss freemasonry & Mormonism
Does The Trinity Make God a “God of Confusion?”
Does Trinitarianism necessarily make God the author of confusion?
RESPONSE to LDS Gospel Topics Essay “Are Mormons Christian”
A response to the first Gospel Topics Essay: “Are Mormons Christian?”
Should We Pray to Know if the Book of Mormon is True?
Is it wrong for Christians to pray to discern truth?
Why John 1:1-3 can’t support the LDS view of Jesus
Walking through the start of John’s Gospel verse-by-verse.
Why we can’t call Mormonism “Christian”
Why Christians can’t acknowledge similarities or unity with Mormons:
Saved By Grace Through Faith: Ephesians 2:1-10 [How To Interpret Scripture]
Practicing Bible Interpretation By Walking Through Ephesians 2:1-10
LDS Temples: Why Veils & Sacrifices Are A Real Problem
Temples are not only unbiblical, but contrary to the Gospel…
Response: Brad Wilcox’s “Worthiness isn’t Flawlessness” Conference Talk
A Biblical Response to Brad Wilcox’s October 2021 General Conference Talk
We Need Peace With God [Thoughts After G3 Conference]
Some thoughts after attending the G3 Conference in 2021
Understanding & Trusting Bible Translations
Can we trust the Bible despite its numerous different translations?
The Gold Plates: Why Joseph Smith’s Story Isn’t Possible
Why Joseph’s story is riddled with problems (w/ Bill McKeever of
Biblical Canon: Are we missing books in the Bible?
Do we have the right books in our Bibles?
10 Reasons Christians do Evangelism to Mormons
Why do Christians bother to preach the Gospel to Latter-day Saints?
The Altar of Remembrance: Multiple LDS Temples Refuted
How this often forgotten Bible story refutes having multiple temples…
The High Places: Why Having Multiple Temples Is Unbiblical
Mormons have numerous temples around the globe—but the Bible calls this an abomination…
Preservation of the Bible: Manuscripts & Textual Variants
Has the Bible been reliably preserved through the ages?
A Different Gospel: Galatians for Mormons
Why the book of Galatians is incompatible with LDS doctrine:
Does the Book of Mormon Teach Mormonism?
Why Mormonism’s most significant Scripture disproves the LDS Church
Joseph Smith’s Boast: Better than Jesus?
Testing Joseph’s claim to have “more to boast of than any man had,” including Jesus.
Why Jesus’ Baptism Doesn’t DEBUNK The Trinity
Many Latter-day Saints believe that Jesus’ baptism disproves the Trinity – here’s why that’s not true:
How Joseph Smith Contradicts Jesus
Matthew 13 teaches there will be no Great Apostasy…but Joseph disagrees.
The Christian Interpretation of Jeremiah 1:5
Why this preexistence verse isn’t as conclusive as Mormons think:
Response to Uchtdorf’s “God Among Us” Conference Talk
Followers of Jesus are commanded to “test” the prophets…
Where Are Christianity’s Modern Temples?
Many are surprised to find out that Christians do believe in modern temples…
Book of Mormon vs The Bible: 2 Nephi 25:23
2 Nephi 25:23 and Ephesians 2:8-10 are teaching mutually exclusive things, here’s why…
Why Job 38 Teaches There Was No Preexistence
How God’s response to Job tells us that there was no preexistence
How Could Moses See God’s Face If God Has No Body?
If Moses spoke to God face-to-face, how can Christians say that God has no body?
Mormonism, Temples, and the Gospel of John
A conversation with apologist Luke Wayne of
Why We Focus on Our Differences: Mormonism & Christianity
Are Mormons just another Christian denomination? Why do we focus on our differences so much?
What is the Gospel?
What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to the Bible?
Joseph Smith’s Polygamy: Qualifications for Leaders
Does Joseph Smith’s Polygamy disqualify him from being a leader in Christ’s Church?
Why Did The Jews Kill Jesus?
Why Jesus’ “I AM” statements drove the Jews to try and kill him—and why that matters!
Should Mormons & Christians Debate Scripture?
Is it honoring to God for Christians and Mormons to debate and argue over Biblical interpretations?
How Psalm 110 Disproves LDS view of Jehovah
Why Psalm 110 both disproves the Mormon view of Jesus/Jehovah AND proves the Trinity
Is The Great Apostasy Prophesied in the Bible?
Did Paul teach in 2 Thessalonians 2 that there would be a Great Apostasy?
Do Works Matter If We’re Saved By Faith?
If we are justified by faith, then what role do our works play?
The Problem with Secret Mormon Temple Rituals
Does the Bible teach that we should expect to perform secret Temple rituals and ceremonies?
Why Christians Completely Trust the Bible
Why do Christians completely trust the Bible and believe it to be sufficient for everything we need in our Christian lives?
Idolatry, Murder, and the LDS Church (Part 2)
The sin of idolatry is even worse than the sin of murder. But why? And why does that matter for us?
What Is Idolatry? (Idolatry PART 1)
Why is idolatry so wicked? (Is idolatry worse than murder – PART 1 OF 2)
LDS Prophets, Plausible Deniability, and “Official Doctrine”
Why is it that Christians take issue with teachings that aren’t considered “official”? Should we trust the LDS prophets and apostles?
Problems with the Joseph Smith Translation: John 1
The Joseph Smith Translation (or JST) significantly differs from the traditional Biblical text. Can the JST be trusted?
Was David’s Sin Fully Forgiven?
LDS Leaders say David wasn’t fully forgiven, but what does the Bible say?
What is the Purpose of Life?
Many people live for their eternal happiness, eternal families, or even for future exaltation. But what is our true purpose in life?
The Priesthood of Jesus
Does the Bible teach that Jesus had both the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthoods?
Should we trust Spiritual Experiences?
Does the Bible say we should trust our spiritual experiences?
Justification: The Heart of the Gospel
How can we—guilty, unworthy people—be declared righteous?
Why Christians Celebrate Christmas
Do Mormons and Christians celebrate Christmas for the same reason?
Are Jehovah and Elohim Different gods?
Are Elohim and Jehovah really two gods merely “united in purpose”?
Can The Father be seen?
Did Joseph Smith physically see the Father during “The First Vision”?
What happens to the “Boy on the Island?”
What happens to the boy on the island who dies without ever hearing the Gospel?
Does God Change?
Mormonism teaches that God progressed, but can God change? What does the Bible teach?
Why are there so many different versions of the Bible?
Why are there so many different versions? And should the existence of these multiple translations undermine our trust in the Bible?
Why do Christians Pay Pastors?
Should Christians pay their pastors? What does the Bible teach about the issue?
Does 1 Corinthians 15 teach that there are Three Degrees of Glory?
Is Paul really speaking about heavenly kingdoms in 1 Corinthians 15:40-41?
The Uniqueness of Jesus
Does the Bible teach that there are significant differences between us and Jesus?
Did God Really Create Everything?
Many Latter-day Saints believe that when God created everything he rearranged already-existing materials to form our world. But the Bible teaches something totally contrary to this.
Does the stick of Joseph in Ezekiel 37 refer to the Book of Mormon?
Does the stick of Joseph really refer to the Book of Mormon?