Responding to YouTube Comments (#2)

Did God mock Job, or was God giving job a “pep-talk”? Did Jesus create Himself, or does He exist outside of time itself? You guys have pushed back on several of our videos, and we’re responding!

In this “comment response” video, we’ll be responding to pushback we received on our “Job 38 & LDS Premortal Life” video ( and our Did God Create Everything video ( first comment deals with the nature of God’s speech recorded at the end of the book of Job, and the second deals with our view of Christ’s self-existence.

We don’t always have time to type out responses to all the comments, so we’re going to try and respond in video format to more and more of them. At the end of the day – our aim is to simply trust in what the Bible says. If God spoke it in His Word, then we want to trust it!