Mormons Distruct Their Own Prophets

LDS Church Leaders have taught that Heavenly Father has a father—yet many Latter-day Saints (Mormons) disagree with this teaching. As an evangelical—this baffles me!

Mormonism claims to be the Restored Church of Jesus Christ, in part, because they have modern prophets and apostles. Yet when their prophets and apostles teach on controversial issues that have fallen out of favor in the modern LDS Church, they reject their prophet’s teachings.

In this video, I respond to some of the comments I received on a recent video we produced about whether or not God had a god above himself (link to that video: Many of the Mormon responses argued that Mormon beliefs don’t teach that Heavenly Father has a god, yet that has been certainly taught by LDS Prophets and Apostles—starting with Joseph Smith.

Check out the playlist of other “Mormons & Christians” on the street videos: