How To Interpret Scripture: Ephesians 2:1-10

Many Latter-day Saints, when confronted with Bible verses that conflict with their beliefs, will claim “that’s just your interpretation.” For many, this is a compelling argument—how can we know what the Bible really says without prophets? But the truth is that interpreting the Bible is actually far more simple than many expect.

The Bible was revealed by God, and it was INTENDED to be clear enough to communicate what God expects of us (2 Timothy 3:16). God did not fail in communicating to us, and He has perfectly given (and preserved) Scripture. Quite honestly, interpreting the Bible is far more simple than many people think.

For this video, I wanted to demonstrate HOW we interpret the Bible and teach elements of hermeneutics. It isn’t a mysterious process, the science of interpretation can be studied and understood—just like reading any other book. We really can understand what the Bible says, and have confidence in our interpretation by studying the grammar of the text.

Ephesians 2:8-9 is often the center of many discussions between Latter-day Saints and Christians, and so I thought it may be a reasonable place to start. In order to give context to those verses, this video walks through verses 1-10, explaining how to interpret the Bible.