Freemasonry & Mormonism: The Masonic Origins of the LDS Church

Is the Mormon faith an adaptation of Freemasonry? It is well known that Joseph Smith became a freemason, but many people are unaware of the deep relationship between his masonry and the origins of the LDS Church. Joseph Smith incorporated Masonic rites, rituals, oaths, and symbols into Mormonism, and elements of masonic rituals can still be found in many of the temple practices of the LDS Church.

In this episode, Andrew Soncrant (of Apologia Studio’s Cultish podcast) joins us to discuss the undeniable relationship between Freemasonry and Mormonism. We explore some of the Masonic practices that have parallels in the LDS Church, and also discuss the Masonic myths that have strong parallels with the origin stories of Mormonism. Andrew also brings his expertise with Cultish to bear in exploring some of the philosophical origins of freemasonry that are rooted in occult literature (hermetic philosophy).

This will be a two-part overview. In this episode, our aim was to establish an undeniable relationship between freemasonry and Mormonism. In the next episode, we will explain why such a relationship should be troubling for Latter-day Saints.

The Word of the Lord is trustworthy and reliable. Even amidst the growing errors in our age and culture, we can trust whatever Scripture says to be undeniably true. The shaky foundation of freemasonry does not provide Mormonism with a secure base. Mormonism has adapted numerous errant beliefs into their religious system, exchanging the truth about God for a lie. Let these episodes be a call to Latter-day Saints: don’t trust the LDS prophets and apostles who so flippantly incorporate unbiblical rituals and customs into worship practices. Trust only in the God-breathed text of the Bible.