The Temple Quiz

How well do you know the story behind the temple?

In what city was the temple that Jesus visited?

A.  Rome

B.  New York City

C.  Jerusalem

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C. Jerusalem

Jesus visited the temple in Jerusalem on many occasions. In fact, he taught in the temple courts (Luke 21:37), confronted the religious leaders there (Matthew 21:23-27), foretold of the destruction of the temple (Matthew 24:1-2), and even drove out the profit-hungry merchants he encountered there (John 3:13-22).


Modern day temples and the temple ordinances of the LDS Church are modeled after those taught in the Bible.


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In the Bible, God gives His people specific instructions on how to build the place where He will “dwell in their midst” (Exodus 25:8-9). He not only details the exact specifications for the structure, but also of the furnishings, and even the ceremonies to be performed there. None of the God-given requirements of this place of worship have been followed by the LDS church in the building of temples, or the ordinances practiced there.


How many temples did God authorize His people to worship in at any given time?

A.  1

B.  12

C.  One for each city

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A. 1 

There was only ever one temple authorized for Jewish worship in the whole Bible: the Jerusalem temple. It was selected by God as an important and unique site in Israel. God had commanded that there would be only one set of sacred furnishings constructed (Exodus 25-30) and those furnishings were set up at the temple in Jerusalem. The building of any additional temples would have been seen as an act of rebellion before God.


According to the Bible, in which room of the temple were marriages authorized to take place?

A.  The Most Holy Room

B.  The Holy Room

C.  The Outer Court

D.  They were never authorized

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D. They were never authorized

God never authorized marriages to be performed in or near the temple. The Bible never mentions marriage or weddings in regards to temple practices. In fact, women weren’t even allowed in the temple for marriages to take place! Only male priests who were direct descendants of Levi could enter it (Exodus 29:44-45).


The Book of Mormon teaches about the importance of Baptism for the Dead and Marriage in Temples.



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The Book of Mormon makes no mention of any specific temple ordinances currently practiced by the LDS Church. These current temple practices find no support from either the Bible or the Book of Mormon.



Jesus taught that it is important for people who love God to worship Him in temples.



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A woman once asked Jesus where God wanted His people to worship Him. Jesus answered, “Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father…those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth” (John 4:21-24).


When Jesus died on the cross, what part of the temple was physically changed?

A.  The Ark of the Covenant

B.  The Veil

C.  The Altar of Incense


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B. The Veil

The holiest place in the temple was veiled by a curtain and could only be entered by the High Priest once a year on the day of atonement. This veil was a physical representation of the spiritual separation between God and man, as a result of man’s sin (Isaiah 59:2). At the moment of Jesus’ death on the cross, the Bible says, “And behold, the curtain [veil] was torn in two, from top to bottom” (Matthew 27:51). This critical moment shows us that because of Jesus’ complete atonement for our sins, we can have direct access to God without the need for a temple at all! This is why the New Testament teaches us that God’s people are now the modern equivalent of the Old Testament temple (Ephesians 2:20), because He dwells, not in a building, but in the hearts of His followers! 

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